Lori Herson
Director of Family & Children's Ministries
Lori was blessed to grow up in a loving home with parents who served full time in missions and modeled before her a real relationship with Jesus. Her love for sports led her to major in Physical Education at Houghton College in New York where she also played field hockey and basketball. She served for 15 years at Delaware County Christian school as a teacher and then in athletic administration.
Lori and her husband Mark, also an "MK", have been married for 20 years; together they homeschool their 14 year old daughter Elle. They enjoy the community of the Classical Conversations homeschool group in West Chester where Elle is a freshman in high school. Although her “comfort zone” is in the world of sports and athletics, Lori has also enjoyed the unique experience of being a back-stage mom to a daughter with a passion for singing, acting, and dancing. Together at home, Lori and Elle attempt to temper Mark’s desire to turn their house into a Ninja Warrior course! Lori says she loves learning together with others in our Goshen family – especially as it relates to raising our children to know and love the Lord Jesus. Her passion for God’s Word is evident in her desire to incorporate Scripture memory in the children’s ministry at Goshen.
Hebrews 12: 1-2 is a favorite verse, both in terms of her personal journey of faith, and our corporate journey of faith together. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.”