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Are You a Church Member?

If Goshen is your church but you’re not a member, here’s a question:  What keeps you from becoming a church member?

Let me speculate.  You’ve heard that the term “membership” isn’t in the New Testament.  Plus, the word has some not-so-nice connota­tions (sounds elitist; seems like a way to exclude people, or a way to get those who commit to do more work).  Or maybe you just haven’t gotten around to pursuing membership.  Some may even wonder, “Who needs membership, why can’t we all just be who we are and enjoy gathering as God’s people and leave it at that?”

Because even though the term “membership” isn’t in the New Testa­ment, the concept definitely is and it’s a crucial concept.  And we want to be astute enough as followers of Jesus not to dismiss a key biblical idea just because it isn’t conveyed in certain terms.

Here’s what I mean.  Many New Testament texts describe church “govern­ment,” that is, the leader­ship of congregations by pastors, elders, deacons, etc. (e.g., 1 Timothy 3:1-13).  But how can you have leadership without a commun­ity of Christians who agree, under Christ, to accept such leader­ship?

Further, the Bible also speaks of church “discipline,” that is, the correction of Christians who stray into patterns of sin (see esp. Matthew 18:15-17).  But how can you have correction without mutual commit­ment and accountability?  The stray­ing church-goer might simply ask, “What right do you have to tell me what to do?” and walk away and carry on in ways that hurt themselves and others.

The Bible assumes the existence of local church bodies to which believers are committed and account­able.  That’s what membership is all about—it’s a way of saying, “Count me in!”  I challenge you to step up as a deliberate follower of Jesus and become a member of his body—for your own growth, the strengthen­ing of our church, and as a witness to a fickle, non-committal world about the joy of belonging to Christ’s body through its local expression here at GBC.

Part of Goshen membership is being baptized by immersion in water as a believer in Jesus.  Why only believers (in other words, why not baby baptism)?  Because Jesus says baptism is for “disciples”—those who consciously trust and follow him (Matthew 28:19-20).  Why immer­sion?  Because it preserves the Bible’s beautiful imagery of dying and rising with Jesus (Romans 6:3-4—there in the water grave we’re thanking God for all he did for us in Christ’s death and resurrection).  It’s a beautiful plunge of faith!

Maybe you have a “hard time” with baptism—like going underwater backwards (no prob, we can plunge you straight down), or the idea of wearing a peculiar robe (again, no prob; robes not necessary).  Maybe there’s some other con­cern—if so, let me know what it is.  We don’t want any unnecessary obstacles to keep you from identifying yourself with Jesus, encouraging believers, and bearing witness to the lost that Christ is your Lord, your Savior, your All.

GBC members are able to vote on church decisions such as hiring, budgets, ministry plans, and accepting others into church member­ship.  Some leadership roles at Goshen are also limited to qualified church members.

How does one go about becoming a GBC member?

  • The first step is between you and the Lord:  respond to Jesus in saving faith, turning from sin and receiving the gift of eternal life!  For info on this vital step, see the gospel resources on this page.
  • Secondly, take our “Discovery Class” (at present we’re offering the class online—go to this page and read the materials).
  • Next, complete the membership application (available at the same web page) and return it to the church office.
  • After that, a membership interview will be scheduled—so our Elders can hear your story of faith in Jesus (and by the way, it’s a blessing to them to conduct these interviews and hear how the Lord has been at work in people’s lives!).
  • If you haven’t been baptized by immersion in water, we’ll find a time to schedule baptism.
  • And then, finally, at our next church business meeting you would be voted on to become a member of GBC.

So, back to the basic question:  are you a member of Goshen?  If not, I hope you’ll seek the Lord for his direction in the matter.

Peter Nelson

Senior Pastor
Peter is a Midwest guy at heart having spent his childhood years in Minnesota and a decade in...


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