October 10 2024
October 10 2024

Scripture shows us what the church is through several metaphors:  church is a body, a flock, a bride, a temple.  In light of the church’s functions, it’s also a school, a hospital, and a search-and-rescue team sent by Jesus to pursue the lost.  Another word-picture for the church is emphasized in 1 Timothy 5:  we are a family.

Paul urges Pastor Timothy (who is “young,” 4:12) to minister in different ways to the various family members:  he should relate to older men as to fathers, older women as mothers, and younger men and women as brothers and sisters.  Still, this doesn’t mean Timothy is to refrain from challenging church family members as needed—but he must do so while seeking to encourage (vv 1-2).

An obvious implication of ch. 5 is that the church at Ephesus was multi-generational.  Some church-planting initiatives today are targeted toward a narrow demographic (usually Millennial and/or Gen Z young adults).  But the New Testament would be baffled by a church “family” made up of people all at the same stage of life.

Compassion is a premiere value of the early church, and one practical way this comes out is by care for widows.  Paul clarifies:  if a widow’s relatives are able to provide for her, then they should do so (in fact, neglecting to care for one’s relatives was a grave spiritual failing, v 8).  But in the case of elderly Christian women who are “truly widows” (vv 3, 5, 16), “left all alone” (v 5), the church is to step in to serve and care (see also Acts 6:1-6).

The church family’s leaders are “elders” (5:17).  In 3:2 we see how elders have to be “able to teach,” and here Paul indicates that they “rule,” that is, give oversight.  It is vital that elders “rule well” (v 17), which in a Christian context always means in a Christ-like manner:  “I am among you as one who serves” (Luke 22:27).

No family is perfect.  Same with church families (1 John 1:8; Matt. 6:12).  But we are the “one another” God has given to us, and our privilege is to show mercy and seek Christ together, as a family!


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