October 03 2024
October 03 2024

Passion, Politics, & Your Heart:  A Call to Worship

Sunday Seminar, November 3 & 10, 2024  *  Teaching & Discussion

Fellowship Hall, 10:00-10:45 a.m. (adult classes combined)

Pastor Peter Nelson


It gets complicated being citizens of our country but also citizens of the Kingdom of God.  It takes wisdom to rightly pledge allegiance to the flag and yet give our ultimate devotion to Jesus Christ.  How do we sort out these attachments—and especially now, amidst a turbulent political season?  How do we walk this road together as a church family committed to loving one another?

The human heart is hard-wired for worship; we all will (and do) bow down in praise and devotion.  The question is:  to whom, or to what?  This is a crucial issue for each person individually, but it is also a pressing matter for us collectively, as a church.  What message are we sending by the way we invest our time, energy, and attention?  How is our witness clearly pointing to the hope we have in Jesus—the hope of forgiveness of sins and the gift of salvation and the blessing of eternal life?  Or are we inadvertently misrepresenting Christ and the Gospel in our daily acts of worship?

How about you?  Where is your heart?  The Goshen Elders invite you to join the conversation:

  • Sunday, November 3:  “A Lifestyle of Worship” (Romans 12:1-2)
  • Sunday, November 10:  “Allegiance to Authority” (Romans 13:1-7)

Click here for info on previous Sunday Seminars.


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