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Rededication Sunday

Please join us in our newly renovated Sanctuary on Sunday, September 12, at 9:00 or 11:00 a.m., for our rededication worship services. We’ll commit ourselves to God, each other, and His mission as we rededicate our sanctuary for the cause of Christ in our community.

Light refreshments will be served in Fellowship Hall at 10:15 a.m. There will be opportunities to learn more about our fall ministries including: Children's Programs, Youth Ministry, Young Adult Gatherings, Small Groups, Bible Studies, and Sunday Classes for all.

Nursery will be provided in both the 9:00 (age 2 and under) and 11:00 services. Additionally, Children's Church (2-young 4's) and KTC (K-4th grade) will be offered during the 11:00 service.

For Covid protocol info, see this page.

Peter Nelson

Senior Pastor
Peter is a Midwest guy at heart having spent his childhood years in Minnesota and a decade in...


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