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Seniors Fellowship

One of the gems of our life together at Goshen is the presence of senior brothers and sisters in the faith. These saints have walked many miles, have faced daunting spiritual battles and have won the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  We cherish these saints and seek to grow from their wisdom.  The seniors are well integrated into the life of the church, but they meet every other month as a unique community for encouragement and friendship. We desire during these meetings to create stronger bonds among each other, and to brainstorm ways to enhance communication between the seniors at Goshen and the church as a whole.


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Questions about our Seniors Ministry? Contact the church office.


  • Seniors Fellowship gatherings are at 1:00 p.m. on the third Thursday, every other month, September through May.  Please join us for our next gathering on November 21.
  • Senior Newsletter!  Please click here to read the December edition. 
  • The Goshen Senior Adults have written a Holy Week Devotional.  Click here to read Songs of Holy Week.
  • Please also enjoy this special Advent Devotional complied by our seniors in 2017.




Food for Thought

Pastor Peter recommends J. I. Packer's book, Finishing Our Course with Joy:  Guidance from God for Engaging with Our Aging. Here are a few highlights:

J. I. Packer (born 1926-2020) spent decades teaching, writing, and helping spir­itual seekers.  He’s best known for his book, Knowing God, but he’s given the church many other vital resources.  His book, Finishing Our Course with Joy (2014), is all about aging.  Here are a few key points:  * “Live in the present moment.”  Day­dream­ing and nostalgia are unhappy habits that undermine content­ment (23).  * Say ‘No’ to the cul­ture’s prescription of idleness, self-indulgence, and irresponsibility as retirement ideals (29).  * The temp­tation to deny one’s aging is fueled by a pride that demands to be in control (46).  * “We view retirement as our warrant for taking it easy across the board and prioritizing self-indulgence for the rest of our lives.”  But, as Billy Graham has pointed out, the word “retire” is not in the Bible.  * Learning and leading are life-long tasks for believers of all ages, seniors included (68).  Recovering and renewing a joyful hope of Christ’s glorious appearing is a prime task for aging believers (84).  * Christian seniors should give of their wisdom and, as they pass the torch to tomorrow’s leaders, be “unsnubbable” (97).


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