October 14 2024
October 14 2024

In today’s reading, we see how God kept and demonstrated His faithfulness to Abraham by establishing a covenant with him. The faithfulness of God is shown through Abraham's family lineage as God's promises were ultimately fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus––a descendant of Abraham.

How did God establish His covenant with Abraham? What was the significance of Abram’s name change?

Though the promises of Genesis 15:4 were years away from fulfillment, God made a covenant to show that He would be faithful to do what He promised Abraham no matter what. God wagered His namesake through establishing this covenant, promising on behalf of His own name and reputation that His promises would indeed come to pass. Animal blood was shed through this ceremony and was used to seal the covenant, demonstrating the gravity of what was at stake. God spoke to His servant’s questions regarding his inheritance of both a nation and a land to call their own.

In chapter 17 when Abram received his new name from God, he was 99 years old—still childless, yet still believing by faith. For him to father not only a son, but an entire nation seemed implausible. Yet, God changed Abram’s name from “The Father is Exalted” to Abraham, “Father of a Multitude.” Though the promise of a descendant was not yet in his reach, God spoke to him and over him that His Word was true and worthy of his obedience.

The bloodshed in this covenant agreement foreshadowed the blood to be shed as God’s promises would find ultimate fulfillment in Jesus. Through His Son, God would do what seemed more impossible than Abram’s unlikely fatherhood—God would make the way for the unrighteous to be brought into His family forever. Like Abraham, we are counted as righteous when we place our faith in Christ and in His finished work on the cross. Reflect on the great lengths God demonstrated to prove that His covenant was trustworthy and how He brought it to completion through Jesus. Now is time to proclaim this covenant love to your kids. May you speak clearly about the loving faithfulness of your Father in heaven.


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